Mikkel Skovrind

Mikkel Skovrind

Postdoc, Forsker, Guest Researcher

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    I see myself as a classical naturalist driven by a fundamental curiosity - with a state of the art toolbox to help me answer fundamental biological questions of how, when and where the genomic patterns we can observe today arose. I am currently doing a postdoc at the GLOBE Institute UCPH where I am working with Arctic whales, primarily belugas, investigating their evolutionary and demographic histories in a range wide context. Throughout my career I have gained experience with generating and analyzing genomic data from both ancient and modern samples. I think genomic analyses becomes even more powerful when they are combined with other data types, thus I have also worked with, telemetrics, stable isotopes and habitat modelling. My research usually has a non-genetic component such as environment, ecological or phenotype data as I believe the inclusion of supporting data makes the impact of the genomic result much greater and helps put their implications in perspective.

    ID: 161747997