3 February 2022

New project to ensure a strong focus on biodiversity in biology classes in Danish high schools


CMEC has recently received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to be used in the development and implementation of a new standard of research-based materials as part of the new project called “Biodiversity – from top research to teaching practice”.

butterfly flowers

During a five-year period the new project will help place biodiversity as an educational top-priority in biology classes in Danish high schools (gymnasium). The project will unfold in close collaboration with the Danish association of high school biology teachers (FaDB) alongside biology teachers from all across the country.

The project will be led by Professor and Director of Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC) Carsten Rahbek, along with Special Consultant Karsten Elmose Vad with the aim of developing high-quality and research-based teaching materials, as well as ensuring the appropriate implementation of the materials in the high school biology classes across all of Denmark.

Increasing the knowledge of biodiversity – now and in the future

The ambition of strengthening the knowledge of biodiversity comes from the shared experience of the subject being underrepresented in the current biology curriculum at the Danish high schools:

At CMEC we have all the research-based knowledge available within the field of biodiversity. With the new project we have an important opportunity, in collaboration with the biology teachers, in assisting the Danish high schools students to develop a better understanding of the subject of biodiversity”, says Carsten Rahbek. 

Besides the development of teaching materials, CMEC will also collaborate with FaDB in facilitating series of teaching courses in biodiversity for biology teachers all over Denmark.  

Ultimately, the long-term aim of the project “Biodiversity – from top research to teaching practice” (in Danish “Biodiversitet – fra topforskning til undervisningspraksis”) is to develop a new standard teaching practice in biodiversity in the Danish high school system as well as ensuring that the younger generations obtain a better research-based understanding of the subject.

The project has been granted 6 million DKK from the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s call: Project Grants for Natural Science Education and Informal Learning Environments.

Read more: https://novonordiskfonden.dk/da/nyheder/70-mio-kr-uddelt-til-naturvidenskabelige-projekter-inden-for-uddannelse-og-formidling-ny-ansoegningsrunde-aabner/ 

Special Consultant Karsten Elmose Vad
Mail: kevad@sund.ku.dk 

Professor Carsten Rahbek
Mail: crahbek@sund.ku.dk