19 September 2023

Villum Foundation supports bold ideas


Three researchers receive grants from the Villum Experiment. All projects are meant to push the boundaries of research and lead to breakthroughs.

RNA molecule

This year, a total of 49 researchers receive 97 million DKK for their research experiments through Villum Experiment.

Three researchers from Globe Institute receive grants for research projects, each of which is meant to challenge norms and rethink the way we work on important research topics.

All applications are evaluated anonymously, so they are assessed solely based on their potential to change our understanding of the world. The grants run for two years.

The grants for Globe go to:

PhD Emilio Mármol Sánchez
Ancient RNA: Uncovering the missing link to reveal a new era in Paleogenetics,
1.99 million DKK

Postdoc Kasun Bodawatta
Most Optimal Sampling Source for terrestrial biodiversity monitoring (MOSS)
1.99 million DKK

Associate Professor Antton Alberdi
InSituMicroSeq: 3D reconstruction of microbial communities through in situ sequencing
1.99 million DKK


Read more about Villum Experiment and the grants


Postdoc Kasun Bodawatta
Mail: bodawatta@sund.ku.dk 
Phone: +45 35 33 06 46

Associate Professor Antton Alberdi
Mail: antton.alberdi@sund.ku.dk 
Mobile: +45 53 84 01 19
