Diversity Programme

The role of the Diversity Programme is to work with the management to identify and initiate actions to improve and support diversity in Globe. We incorporate tools from the literature and our own data-driven methods to identify strategies to address our core foci. ​​




Mission statement

Academia cannot reach its full potential unless it can benefit from the talents of all. We recognize that initiatives and actions that support individuals will not sufficiently advance equality. Furthermore, we recognize that traditional merit structures may not accurately reflect the quality of a person's research, as not all people have equal access to opportunities. We commit to identify sustainable structural and cultural changes to advance and promote diversity in science.​

Core areas

  • Help improve VIP di​versity (PhD to Professor) with a focus on recruitment and retention at the higher academic career levels.
  • Improve belonging in the workplace for all employees, from PhDs to Full Professors, focusing on the diversity categories identified from the “Diversity at Globe" surveys. 
  • Inspire leaders at Globe to improve diversity in their daily and strategic work and planning.​
  • Lead ongoing discussions (both within Globe and the broader KU community) of how merit criteria are identified and applied, both in new hires and career development contexts.

Diversity Programme Info






Diversity Programme CV




Chair​ Bo Dalsgaard (Molecular Ecology and Evolution)


​​Hannah Owens (Biodiversity)​

Core member Frido Welker (Molecular Ecology and Evolution)
​Core member Claudia Fontsere Alemany (HoloGenomics)

Core member

​​Hernán Eduardo Morales Villegas (EvoGenomics​)

​Core member

​​Víctor Moreno Mayar (Geogenetics)

​Core member

Carlota Carbajo Moral (Geogenetics)

​Core member

Jazmin Ramos Madrigal (HoloGenomics)