Center for Star and Planet Formation (StarPlan)

Green planet in the universe.

By employing a multidisciplinary approach, we seek to understand the circumstances that allowed for the formation of the rocky planets in our Solar System and around other stars, including the formation of habitable planets like Earth where life has been thriving for nearly 4 billion years.

Head of Section: Professor Martin Bizzarro



























































































Planet formation theory

Section members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Bizzarro, Martin Professor +4535322331 E-mail
Bollard, Jean Academic Research Staff +4535321387 E-mail
Camplong, Cyprien Christian Thibaut PhD Fellow +4535327603 E-mail
Connelly, James Professor +4535322339 E-mail
Dannenberg, Urs Guest Researcher +4535327464 E-mail
Danti, Claudia PhD Fellow +4535328897 E-mail
Duann, Yi Guest Researcher E-mail
Egdalen, Siw Amanda Falk Guest Researcher +4535335490 E-mail
Fang, Linru Postdoc +4535329479 E-mail
Flores Rivera, Lizxandra Postdoc +4535327606 E-mail
Frossard, Paul Baptiste Postdoc Marie Curie +4535320473 E-mail
Frydenvang, Jens Associate Professor +4535333923 E-mail
Hansen, Poula Eyðbjørnsdóttir PhD Fellow E-mail
Holm, Christian Granzow PhD Fellow +4535335334 E-mail
Houge, Adrien Christian R Postdoc +4535335210 E-mail
Jensen, Ninna Korsgaard Postdoc +4535326410 E-mail
Johansen, Anders Professor +4535321050 E-mail
Kubik, Edith Christiane Catherine Postdoc +4535324643 E-mail
Kuwahara, Ayumu Postdoc +4535323847 E-mail
Lambrechts, Michiel Thomas A Associate Professor +4535328151 E-mail
Lorek, Sebastian Herbert External Researcher +4535326598 E-mail
Löffler, Richard Julius Gotthard Postdoc +4535332629 E-mail
Masuda, Yuki Postdoc +4535331331 E-mail
Nielsen, Jesper Andre Erik PhD Fellow +4535334812 E-mail
Nikolajsen, Katrine Wulff PhD Fellow E-mail
Onderwater, Merel Elisabeth PhD Fellow +4535327755 E-mail
Onyett, Isaac James Guest Researcher +4535335323 E-mail
Rundhaug, Courtney Jean Postdoc +4535322279 E-mail
Schiller, Martin Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535325157 E-mail
Sparrman, Viktor Julian PhD Fellow +4535332611 E-mail
Tomberg, Piia Maria Research Assistant +4535327301 E-mail
Wang, Haiyang Assistant Professor +4535330839 E-mail
Xu, Ziyan Postdoc +4535334257 E-mail
van Kooten, Elishevah Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535333185 E-mail