Biomolecular Palaeoanthropology in the Welker Group

The Welker Group studies human evolution across the last 1 million years, primarily through the study of ancient proteins and other biomolecules preserved in the skeletal remains of hominins and associated fauna.

The Welker group doing fieldwork in a cave.





















  1. Welker et al. 2020. The dental proteome of Homo antecessor. Nature 580, 235-238.

  2. Chen et al. 2019. A late Middle Pleistocene Denisovan mandible from the Tibetan Plateau. Nature 569, 409-412.

  3. Lanigan et al. 2020. Multi-protease analysis of Pleistocene bone proteomes. Journal of Proteomics 228, 103889.






































European Research Council (Starting Grant 948365-PROSPER)

European Research Council logo

VILLUM Foundation

villum foundation logo

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Marie curie actions logo

Fyssen Foundation

Fyssen foundation

Leakey Foundation

Leakey foundation
















Close-up of Group leader Frido Welker

Group Leader

Frido Welker
Associate Professor


Group Members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Fagernäs, Zandra Selina Postdoc Marie Curie +4535337116 E-mail
Le Meillour, Louise Postdoc E-mail
Welker, Frido Associate Professor +4535326422 E-mail
Ásmundsdóttir, Ragnheiður Diljá Postdoc +4535336587 E-mail
Huan Xia Visiting PhD   E-mail
Jakob Hansen PhD   E-mail