Centre for Glacial Rock Flour Research

Glacial rock.

Addressing the climate crisis requires both cutting emissions and sequestering CO2. Greenlandic glacial rock flour (GRF) holds promise for significant carbon capture through enhanced rock weathering. The Centre for Glacial Rock Flour Research explores GRF's potential to store carbon in agricultural and marine systems, counter ocean acidification, and enhance crop yields through nutrient release.

Head of Centre: Professor Minik Rosing


Our research focus is an innovative approach to combatting the climate crisis by utilizing rock "flour" generated by Greenland's glaciers. When applied to agricultural fields, the dissolution of this powder captures CO2, curbing global climate change. This process, known as enhanced rock weathering, not only reduces atmospheric CO2 but also enhances soil fertility by releasing plant nutrients, leading to increased crop yields. Furthermore, when suspended in seawater, Greenlandic rock flour contributes vital nutrients that increases ocean biological productivity and thereby promotes CO2 export to the deep ocean.

By tapping into Greenland's abundant supply of rock flour, this solution holds significant potential to mitigate climate change and boost agricultural productivity. It offers a scalable solution for sequestering CO2, while simultaneously fostering socioeconomic benefits in tropical and sub-tropical regions and facilitating harmonious economic development in Greenland. Additionally, improved soil fertility worldwide can help alleviate deforestation pressures and protect natural environments.




  1. Dietzen, C., Rosing, M.T., 2023. Quantification of CO2 uptake by enhanced weathering of silicate minerals applied to acidic soils. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 125, 103872.
  2. Gunnarsen, K.C., Jensen, L.S., Rosing, M.T., Dietzen, C., 2023. Greenlandic glacial rock flour improves crop yield in organic agricultural production. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 126, 51–66.



The centre was established in the summer of 2022 by a generous grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.



To carry out our research effectively, we established our centre based on three key areas: Agriculture, Marine, and Product Development.

Centre staff

Name Title Phone E-mail
Bendtsen, Jørgen Senior Researcher E-mail
Dahms, Rasmus Dyrberg PhD Fellow +4522857080 E-mail
Dietzen, Christiana Amalie Researcher +4535325771 E-mail
Hambly Barton, Francesca Lucky Academic Research Staff +4535328403 E-mail
Larsen, Kristina Vallentin Research Assistant +4535336751 E-mail
Richardson, Katherine Professor +4535321203 E-mail
Rizzi, Malgorzata Postdoc +4535335813 E-mail
Rosing, Minik Thorleif Professor +4535322368 E-mail

External staff:

Name Title Phone E-mail
Eric Oppong Danso Researcher, University of Ghana E-mail
Lambert Brau Professor, Deakin University E-mail
Aydin Enez Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Deakin University E-mail
Klaus Steenberg Larsen Lektor, University of Copenhagen +4535337654 E-mail
Lars Stoumann Jensen Professor, University of Copenhagen +4535333470 E-mail
Jørn Bo Jensen Emeritus, Geus +4529801795 E-mail
Oscar Mäkinen Consultant, Asiaq E-mail
Per Juel Hansen Professor, University of Copenhagen +45 35321985 E-mail
Niels Daugbjerg Associate Professor, GEUS +45 35331830 E-mail