Understanding host-microbe interactions in the Microbial Evolutionary Medicine Group

The research aims to understand the effects of microbial interactions within, and among species, and between microbes and their hosts. The ultimate goal is the ability to predict and manipulate microbial effects on host fitness. Social Evolution theory provides a framework to understand interactions such as competition and cooperation. 

An organoid.








Close-up of group leader Sandra Breum Andersen.

Group leader

Sandra Breum Andersen

Associate Professor

E-mail: sbandersen@sund.ku.dk

Explainer video about Sandra's organoid research

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Ana Cuesta Mate PhD Fellow +4535331281 E-mail
Danai Anastasia Panou Postdoc +4553490278 E-mail
Sandra Breum Andersen Associate Professor +4535337779 E-mail
Sigri Kløve Postdoc +4535321559 E-mail