Population and Statistical Genetics in the Gopalakrishnan Group

The Gopalakrishnan Group uses statistical methods to understand structure in biological data, with focus on population genetics and integrative multi-omics analyses.

genetics graphic











































































































Shyam Gopalakrishnan

Group Leader

Shyam Gopalakrishnan
Associate Professor

Phone: +45 35 33 60 57


Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Bárbara Ribeiro Parreira Postdoc Marie Curie +4535329544 E-mail
Daniele Battilani Guest Researcher   E-mail
Evelyn Therese Todd Postdoc Marie Curie +4535329805 E-mail
Jazmin Ramos Madrigal Assistant Professor +4535321954 E-mail
Lauren Hennelly Guest Researcher   E-mail
Marie Nicole Sorivelle Special Consultant +4535329638 E-mail
Nuno Filipe Gomes Martins PhD Student +4535322144 E-mail