Plant Conservation Hologenomics in the Hartvig Group

The Plant Conservation Hologenomics system applies the hologenomics concept to understand the role of microbionts in ecology and evolution of wild plant species, and works on translating the findings into improved conservation plans for threatened taxa.




Hartvig et al 2024. Co-occurring orchid species associated with different low-abundance mycorrhizal fungi from the soil in a high-diversity conservation area in Denmark. Ecology and Evolution. 

Evans et al 2023. Hybridization in the Fringed Orchids: An Analysis of Species Boundaries in the Face of Gene Flow. Diversity. 

Hartvig et al 2021. Detecting rare terrestrial orchids and associated plant communities from soil samples with eDNA methods. Biodiversity and Conservation. 



Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC)


Horizon Europe MSCA Fellowships

Carlsberg Foundation

GB Hartmanns Familiefond


Ida Hartvig

Group Leader

Ida Hartvig

Assistant Professor



Distribution and adaptation

Does the range of microorganisms plants associate with, determine their habitat range? We compare distribution-wide microbiome associations among Platanthera orchid species.

Hologenomic orchid conservation

We investigate the correlation between soil types, genotypes and microbiont communities in native Danish orchids to understand their complex habitat requirements and improve conservation plans.

Orchid-mycorrhizal evolution

We investigate how specialization to different fungi across the large terrestrial orchid genus Platanthera has shaped diversification and speciation patterns.

Hybridization and conservation genomics

We apply population genomics to unravel how hybridization and landscape features shape speciation and diversity patterns in vulnerable orchids in North America and Northern Europe.

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail

External members:

Name Title Phone E-mail
MSc Student E-mail
André Bourbonnais
Guest Reseacher E-mail