Comparative Performance of Two Whole Genome Capture Methodologies on Ancient DNA Illumina Libraries

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The application of whole genome capture (WGC) methods to ancient DNA (aDNA) promises to increase the efficiency of ancient genome sequencing.

We compared the performance of two recently developed WGC methods in enriching human aDNA within Illumina libraries built using both double-stranded (DSL) and single-stranded (SSL) build protocols. Although both methods effectively enriched aDNA, one consistently produced marginally better results, giving us the opportunity to further explore the parameters influencing WGC experiments.

Our results suggest that bait length has an important influence on library enrichment. Moreover, we show that WGC biases against the shorter molecules that are enriched in SSL preparation protocols. Therefore application of WGC to such samples is not recommended without future optimization. Lastly, we document the effect of WGC on other features including clonality, GC composition and repetitive DNA content of captured libraries.

Our findings provide insights for researchers planning to perform WGC on aDNA, and suggest future tests and optimization to improve WGC efficiency.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages37
Publication statusPublished - 2014

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015 British Ecological Society66 June 2015 10.1111/2041-210X.12353 Research Article Bioinformatics © 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution © 2015 British Ecological Society.

    Research areas

  • Ancient DNA, Bioinformatics, Genomes, Laboratory methods, Molecular biology, Sequence data

ID: 385901795