Larsen Group

The Larsen group works with all aspects of Quaternary geology (paleoglaciology, paleoclimate and relative sea level changes), focusing on the Arctic region.  

Glacial landscape seen from an airplane.


The Larsen group’s primary objective is to enhance our understanding of glacial processes, climate variations, and environmental changes during the Quaternary period i.e. the past 2.58 million years. This research involves extensive fieldwork in remote regions and the application of diverse methodologies to analyse glacial and interglacial deposits and landforms. A key source of information is a multiproxy analysis, including eDNA of sediment cores extracted from lakes, bogs and caves. To establish the chronology of Quaternary deposits, we employ multiple dating techniques, including optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), radiocarbon dating (¹⁴C), and cosmogenic nuclide analysis.



Hyde, W.R., Kenny, G.G., Jaret, S.J., MacGregor, J.A., Beck, P., Whitehouse, M.J., and Larsen, N.K. (2024): Evidence for a ~1 Ga hypervelocity impact event found in northwest Greenland. Geology 52, 517-521.

Kjær, K.H., Pedersen, M.V., Hidy, A., De Sanctis, B., De Cahsan, B., Korneliussen, T.S., Michelsen, C.S., Sand, K.S., Jelavic, S., Ruter, A.H., Bonde, A.M.Z., Kjeldsen, K.K., Tesakov, A.S., Snowball, A., Gosse, J., Alsos, I.G., Wang, Y., Dockter, C., Rasmussen, M., Jørgensen, M.E., Skadhauge, B., Prohaska, A., Kristensen, J.Å., Prohaska, A., Bjerager, M., Allentoft, M.E., Coissac, E., Lammers, Y.,  PhyloNorway Consortium, Rouillard, A., Simakova, A., Fernandez-Guerra, A., Bowler, C., Macias-Fauria, M., Vinner, L., Sikora, M., Collins, M., Durbin, R., Larsen, N.K. & Willerslev, E. (2022): A 2-Million-year-old ecosystem in North Greenland uncovered by Environmental DNA. Nature 612, 283–291.

Larsen, N.K., Levy, L.B., Carlson, A., Buizert, C., Olsen, J., Strunk, A., Bjørk., A.A., & Skov, D.S. (2018): Instability of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream over the last 45,000 years. Nature Communications.

Larsen, N.K., Kjær, K.H., Lecavalier, B., Bjørk, A.A., Colding, S., Huybrechts, P., Jakobsen, K.E., Kjeldsen, K.K., Knudsen, K-L., Odgaard, B.V. & Olsen, J. (2015): The response of the southern Greenland ice sheet to the Holocene Thermal Maximum. Geology 43, 291-294.

Larsen, N.K., Knudsen, K.L., Krohn, C.F., Kronborg, C., Murray, A. & Nielsen, O.B. (2009): Late Quaternary ice sheet, lake and sea history in southwestern Scandinavia – a synthesis. Boreas 38, 732-761.

Full list of publications by Nicolaj Krog Larsen.


Close-up of group leader Nicolaj Krog Larsen

Group leader

Nicolaj Krog Larsen

Phone: +45 20 69 33 50 

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Astrid Rosenberg Hansen PhD Fellow +4535330986 E-mail
Hasan Shfaqat Khan Academic Research Staff +4535323694 E-mail
Jesper Stenderup Academic Research Staff +4535321389 E-mail
Nare Ngoepe Guest Researcher E-mail
Name Title E-mail
Anne Bang Kvorning PhD Student E-mail
Amanda Schäffer Larsen MSc Student E-mail
Adam Petterson MSc Student E-mail
Emma Wolff Sönksen MSc Student E-mail
Oliver Søndergaard Rosner MSc Student E-mail