Past human populations, pathogens, and environmental DNA in the Willerslev Group

The Willerslev group aims to understand the histories of past human populations, their diseases, and changes of biological communities across space and time.

Researchers excavating in cave.
















































































Close-up of group leader Eske Willerslev.

Group Leader

Eske Willerslev, ScD, DSc

Professor, Section for GeoGenetics, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen

Director, Centre for Ancient Environmental Genomics (CAEG)

Director, Ancient Environmental Genomics Initiative for Sustainability (AEGIS)

Professor, Department of Genetics, Cambridge University     

Excellence Professor University of Bremen


The Rice Project

Combating rice resilience to environmental stressors

The Permafrost Project

The evolutionary history of Arctic ecosystems during the last 50,000 years.

Engaging and sharing

Thoughts on people and their ancestors

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Fernandez Guerra, Antonio Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535332597 E-mail
Moreno Mayar, J. Víctor Assistant Professor +4535337807 E-mail
Olsen, Line Senior Consultant with personnel management +4535334652 E-mail
Pinotti, Thomaz Postdoc +4535337880 E-mail
Razeto Richter, Anna Research Consultant +4535321348 E-mail

Name Title
Zhe Xue Post Doc 
Angeliki Kanouta
Guest Researcher
William Barrie PhD Cambridge
Devlin A. Gandy PhD Cambridge
Yucheng Wang Post Doc Cambridge
Alice Pearson PhD Cambridge
Bianca de Sanctis PhD Cambridge
Alison Sutherland
PhD Cambridge
Aramish Fatima
PhD Cambridge