Exploring microbial communities beyond time and space in the Microbial EcoGenomics Group

The Group is focused on the development and application of new methodologies to analyze modern and ancient (meta)genomic data. Our interests range from the reconstruction of past environmental changes to the characterization of the unknown coding sequence space in microbiome analyses.

Graphic illustration of data.



























Close-up of group Leader Antonio Fernandez-Guerra

Group Leader

Antonio Fernandez-Guerra
Assistant Professor

Phone: +45 3058 9730

Group members

Name Title
Christiane Hassenrück Postdoc (MARUM - Bremen)
Chiara Vanni

PhD student (Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology - Bremen)

Darjan Gande 

PhD student (MARUM - Bremen)

Rodrigo Hernández Velázquez

MSc student (Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology - Bremen)