Integrating environmental DNA, geoscience and zooarcheology within the Q-group

The Q-group research clusters in glacial geology, stratigraphy, associated landscapes as well as zoo- archaeology and environmental DNA. A longstanding goal is to integrate environmental DNA research with the Quaternary Sciences to open a new frontier in global geobiohistory.

Glacial landscape.








































































Close-up of group leader Kurt H. Kjær.

Group Leader

Kurt H. Kjær 
Professor, Head of GeoGenetics

Phone +45 3058 9730


LOST worlds

Uncovering the biological forces contributing to the rise and fall of lost civilizations.

Hiawatha impact crater project

Determining the impact environment and age of the newly discovery impact crater in Northwest Greenland.

Air Pollution in the Antropocene

Reconstructing atmospheric pollution records in Northern Europe using sediment records extending from the late preindustrial period to the present.

Tracking Cultural and Environmental Change

Investigate the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture, in the central Zagros, Iran. Participation in the project includes paleoecology and zooarchaeological research.

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Bangsgaard, Pernille Senior Researcher +4535337273 E-mail
Larsen, Nicolaj Krog Professor +4520693350 E-mail
Ruter, Anthony Henry Senior Researcher +4535333930 E-mail
Siggaard-Andersen, Marie-Louise Senior Researcher +4535333697 E-mail

Name Title
Jakob Gaustavson  MSc. student